2024 Facility Master Planning Process

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2024 Facility Master Planning Process

Hopewell Area SD: 2024 Facility Master Planning Update & Process

Renewing the Hopewell Area SD's 2019 Feasibility Study into 2023-24.

In winter 2023, the Hopewell Area SD requested an update to the 2018-2020 feasibility study performed by VEBH Architects. VEBH now operates under DRAW Collective. Hence, DRAW Collective took over the initiative with Mr. Dan Engen continuing efforts on the district's behalf. Mr. Engen was also involved in the prior study. To separate the two studies for readers, the current study is titled "2024", as the bulk of those efforts will take place in the spring of 2024. The former study is labeled as "2019", and those informational details are linked just below the current study name on the district's main website (left column).

On December 5, 2023, Mr. Dan Engen made an initial presentation at the School Board meeting to outline a new facilities planning process that will encompass a plan for all district facilities. The 2019 study emphasized elementary grade levels and building considerations, while the 2024 facilities planning process will evaluate the entire district and consider options to efficiently and effectively educate all students for decades to come. For clarity, there will be no changes to the district's current educational model in 2024-25 to allow for an authentic planning and communication process. The district will operate in 2024-25 in the same manner as is ongoing in 2023-24, with grade levels and school building locations remaining intact. The 2024 master planning process timeline is articulated below along with meeting invitations, notes, slideshows, and video recordings, as available.  Please scroll down the page to view all of the updates in chronological order. DRAW Collective's presentations that occurred at public School Board meetings are linked below.

Superintendent Letter to District Families Regarding Facility Planning Process 1-19-2024 (Letter Updated 2-2-2024)
*Update to letter now includes the date/time/location of the "Community Meeting" on February 20. 2024 (7PM) in HS Cafe.

Superintendent Letter to District Families Regarding (February 20, 2024) Community Meeting Invitation 2-5-2024

Superintendent Letter to District Families Regarding (February 20, 2024) Community Meeting Reminder 2-17-2024

Superintendent Letter to District Families Regarding 3 Meetings (May 14, May 18, June 11) Forthcoming 4-30-2024
(Meetings are also noted on timeline below)

A "Frequently Asked Questions" document will be embedded in this location once it has been created. Questions can be emailed to [email protected] for consideration.

Proposed Timeline:
*Dates/Times/Locations will be updated herein once confirmed for stakeholder and community engagement opportunities.
December 5, 2023 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Central Office Board Room), Goals and Planning for a Renewed Process (Presentation slideshow and video linked below).
January 9, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Central Office Board Room), Building Capacities, Student Enrollments, and Potential School/Building Grouping Options (Presentation slideshow and video linked below).
January 15, 2024 -Teacher In-Service Day Assembly, Inform and Solicit Initial Thoughts.
February 20, 2024 -Community Assembly, (7PM, Senior High School Cafeteria) Inform and Solicit Initial Thoughts.
March 12, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM), Facility Options Presentation.
March 15, 2024 -Teacher/Staff Meeting, Brainstorm Session for School Options.
May 14, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Senior High School Auditorium), School Option Details and Costs.
May 18, 2024 -Community Meeting (12PM, Senior High School Auditorium).
June 11, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Senior High School Auditorium), Final Options Presentation.
*No final decision was made on June 11, 2024. The district will continue to make updates and communicate when presentations and decisions are being considered in advance of meetings.

Next Board Meeting Dates:
June 25, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Central Office Board Room).
July 9, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Central Office Board Room).
August 13, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Central Office Board Room).
August 27, 2024 -Public School Board Meeting (7PM, Central Office Board Room).


December 5, 2023 (7PM) Public School Board Meeting Notes and Presentation:
*Hopewell Area SD Facility Master Planning and Process Renewed.

Facility Master Planning District Goals and Objectives:
1.) Provide 21st Century Learning Environments
2.) Eliminate Educational, Facility & Staffing Inequities
3.) Consolidate School Buildings into 2-3 Facilities
4.) Add Efficiency and Reduce Operational Costs
5.) Improve Quality and Long-term Maintainability of Facilities (Warm, Safe, and Dry)

January 9, 2024 (7PM) Public School Board Meeting Notes and Presentation:
*Current Building Capacities, Student Enrollments, and Potential School/Building Grouping Options.

February 20, 2024 (7PM) Public/Community Meeting in Hopewell High School Cafeteria:
Presentation and work groups to solicit thoughts for a new District-Wide Master Facility Plan and possibilities.
*Approximately 60 participants attended this meeting in person, and another 35 participants selected the virtual option to share information and collaborate with planners.

Watch the WPXI News segment from the Community Meeting (2/20) by Rich Pierce HERE

March 12, 2024 (7PM) Public School Board Meeting Notes and Presentation:
*Review from Community Meeting Input on School Options.

March 25, 2024 Beaver County Times Article by Reporter Garret Roberts:
*Review the Beaver County Times article and interview HERE

May 14, 2024 (7PM) Public School Board Meeting Notes and Presentation:
*DRAW Presentation regarding School Options and Costs (Begins at start of Video, 48-Minutes).
*PNC Capital Markets presentation regarding borrowing obligations and capabilities (Begins at 48:10 mark in Video).

May 18, 2024 (12PM) Public/Community Meeting in Hopewell High School Auditorium:
Presentation and work session for a new District-Wide Master Facility Plan to occur within acceptable financial considerations.
*Approximately 30 participants attended this meeting in person, and approximately 20 participants selected the virtual option.
*School building options and costs explained and reviewed that would more closely align with district borrowing capabilities.

June 11, 2024 (7PM) Public School Board Meeting in Hopewell High School Auditorium:
*DRAW Collective: Final Options Presentation.
*No final decisions were made at the meeting.

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